I see this sticker all the time up here in the North West. How can you coexist with someone that wants to kill you? I would like to stick the driver of the car wearing that sicker into a cage with a rabid dog.....then maybe it will finally sink into their soft skulls!
Do all followers of Islam want to kill you? Really?
Are you man enough to 'stick the driver of the car wearing that sicker into a cage with a rabid dog'? Or are you simply wishing someone else would do it while you safely hide in your closet?
ema, have all suicide bombers been followers of Islam? if so, then all followers are suspect until ruled out. that is common sense law enforcement investigation and common sense self defense strategy.
Ema, in the foolish bumper sticker depicted, it is only the Muslims who refuse to coexist. So Stogie Jr is quite correct in saying that coexistence with Muslims is as unlikely as coexistence with rabid dogs.
Whether all Muslims want to kill us or not, is irrelevant. Enough of them do to make the whole lot a potential threat. You did hear about 9/11, London, Beslan, Madrid and Mumbai, I presume?
The question is, why are you carrying water for this evil religion?
“Ema, in the foolish bumper sticker depicted, it is only the Muslims who refuse to coexist.”
Your whole posting clearly shows _you_ do not want to coexist with followers of Muslims. You do see that, right?
“Whether all Muslims want to kill us or not, is irrelevant. Enough of them do to make the whole lot a potential threat. You did hear about 9/11, London, Beslan, Madrid and Mumbai, I presume?”
So it is ok to attack all followers of group because of the actions of a few? Then of course you will take the same stance against the white ‘Christian’ men who attacked the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. ‘Whether all white Christian men want to kill us or not, is irrelevant. Enough of them do to make the whole lot a potential threat.’
“... we ought to exclude Muslims from immigrating to the USA.”
Oh really? Followers of Islam have been living peacefully in USA since before its founding way back in the day. How do you propose USA carry out this final solution?
Ema, you are an uninformed ideologue. I would be happy to coexist with Muslims, but it their religious texts and the example of their prophet that prevents me from doing so -- their decision, not mine. By the way you didn't answer my question about New York (9/11), Beslan, London, Madrid and Mumbai. You do know that Muslims carried out those atrocities in the name of their murderous religion, don't you?
Only bad Muslims are peaceful. The ones who actually follow the express commandments of their religion try to kill "infidels," as many as they can, as often as they can. It is the only religion that is based on mass murder.
I am not in control of the government, but if I were, I would cease all Muslim immigration into the USA and encourage those here to leave. I would also prohibit the further building of Mosques and remove the tax-exempt status of same.
Your analogy of "white Christian men" is asinine. The perpetrator of the Oklahoma bombing was not a Christian; Christianity does not command murder and terror as does Islam. And as far as "peaceful" Muslims are concerned, they will not remain peaceful when they attain the numbers they need to enforce Sharia on the West.
"Ema, you are an uninformed ideologue." I would be happy to coexist with Muslims, but it their religious texts and the example of their prophet that prevents me from doing so -- their decision, not mine. ..."
Only bad Muslims are peaceful. The ones who actually follow the express commandments of their religion try to kill "infidels," as many as they can, as often as they can. It is the only religion that is based on mass murder.
... And as far as "peaceful" Muslims are concerned, they will not remain peaceful when they attain the numbers they need to enforce Sharia on the West."
Starting off your post with a personal attack is really a bush-league move. It makes you look foolish when you call people names. What you think I am or am not is really not important.
"It is the only religion that is based on mass murder." As long as you do not include the writings of the Jewish religion and Christianity. Followers of the Torah and the Bible are commanded to kill people in the name of 'god'. There is nothing new in the writings of Islam that is not in the Torah and the Bible.
You seem to be spouting many of the talking points put out by "Glenda Beck" the "Fix Noise" machine. Have you tried thinking for yourself?
Ema, referring to you as an uninformed ideologue is not a personal attack on you, but an accurate description. I stand by it.
As far as Christianity and the Torah advocating murder, it is a lie and isn't true. Besides reading the hate manual called the Koran, I have also read the Bible.
So when you are losing an argument, you have to resort to making up facts? How many Jews and Christians are committing mass murder in the name of God? None. How many Muslim countries does Israel want to "wipe off the map"? None.
As for thinking for myself, I am far more informed (and independent of thought) than you will ever be. I have read 17 scholarly books on the evil known as Islam, including the Koran. How many have you read? None? That's what I thought. You have been well programmed by your Marxist professors and colleagues.
"As far as Christianity and the Torah advocating murder, it is a lie and isn't true." Just because you deny something, does not make it true.
" How many Jews and Christians are committing mass murder in the name of God?" Not being a religious scholar, I hesitate to try to include all murder and mayhem found in the 'good' books of the Torah and Bible. The books Numbers and Deuteronomy are always a good place to start looking for commands to kill, rape, commit genocide, and destroy. The book of Ester Chapter 9 has a whole lot of smote'n and slew'n. Oh yea. True followers can just pick and choose.
Just because something can be found in an ancient outdated documents (Christian/Jewish/Muslim) written thousands of years ago for backward tribes men does not mean people must follow the writings blindly today. God is the the problem in life. God's fan clubs are the biggest trouble.
As for your reading habits, one can guess you read the New Testament of the Bible and fail to understand the true teachings of the good Jewish Rabbi Jesus Christ.
"As far as Christianity and the Torah advocating murder, it is a lie and isn't true." Just because you deny something, does not make it true.
I deny it because I am informed and well-read and you are not. You are an ideologue with pre-established conclusions that you now seek to vindicate.
I read the entire Bible, including the Old Testament.
Yes, the Old Testament has some troubling passages, but they were meant for a time and place and not open-ended, to be followed for all time. No Jewish sect today either practices or advocates murder of non-believers. However, the Koran was open-ended and many Muslims do indeed follow its commandments to murder. So basically you are arguing that we should allow potential murderous terrorists into the country just because the ancient Jews had some questionable texts 4,000 years ago. Well that's really persuasive. When a jihadi is sawing off my head I will be so comforted knowing that the ancient Jews did some nasty things as well, several millenia back, and that will make it all right and peachy keen.
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I see this sticker all the time up here in the North West. How can you coexist with someone that wants to kill you? I would like to stick the driver of the car wearing that sicker into a cage with a rabid dog.....then maybe it will finally sink into their soft skulls!
Do all followers of Islam want to kill you? Really?
Are you man enough to 'stick the driver of the car wearing that sicker into a cage with a rabid dog'? Or are you simply wishing someone else would do it while you safely hide in your closet?
Ema Nymton
have all suicide bombers been followers of Islam?
if so, then all followers are suspect until ruled out.
that is common sense law enforcement investigation and common sense self defense strategy.
Ema, in the foolish bumper sticker depicted, it is only the Muslims who refuse to coexist. So Stogie Jr is quite correct in saying that coexistence with Muslims is as unlikely as coexistence with rabid dogs.
Whether all Muslims want to kill us or not, is irrelevant. Enough of them do to make the whole lot a potential threat. You did hear about 9/11, London, Beslan, Madrid and Mumbai, I presume?
The question is, why are you carrying water for this evil religion?
“Ema, in the foolish bumper sticker depicted, it is only the Muslims who refuse to coexist.”
Your whole posting clearly shows _you_ do not want to coexist with followers of Muslims. You do see that, right?
“Whether all Muslims want to kill us or not, is irrelevant. Enough of them do to make the whole lot a potential threat. You did hear about 9/11, London, Beslan, Madrid and Mumbai, I presume?”
So it is ok to attack all followers of group because of the actions of a few? Then of course you will take the same stance against the white ‘Christian’ men who attacked the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. ‘Whether all white Christian men want to kill us or not, is irrelevant. Enough of them do to make the whole lot a potential threat.’
“... we ought to exclude Muslims from immigrating to the USA.”
Oh really? Followers of Islam have been living peacefully in USA since before its founding way back in the day. How do you propose USA carry out this final solution?
Ema Nymton
Ema Nymton = "Not My Name" spelled backward. Very clever!
Ema, you are an uninformed ideologue. I would be happy to coexist with Muslims, but it their religious texts and the example of their prophet that prevents me from doing so -- their decision, not mine. By the way you didn't answer my question about New York (9/11), Beslan, London, Madrid and Mumbai. You do know that Muslims carried out those atrocities in the name of their murderous religion, don't you?
Only bad Muslims are peaceful. The ones who actually follow the express commandments of their religion try to kill "infidels," as many as they can, as often as they can. It is the only religion that is based on mass murder.
I am not in control of the government, but if I were, I would cease all Muslim immigration into the USA and encourage those here to leave. I would also prohibit the further building of Mosques and remove the tax-exempt status of same.
Your analogy of "white Christian men" is asinine. The perpetrator of the Oklahoma bombing was not a Christian; Christianity does not command murder and terror as does Islam. And as far as "peaceful" Muslims are concerned, they will not remain peaceful when they attain the numbers they need to enforce Sharia on the West.
pjm, perhaps our new troll should rename herself "sniarb On."
"Ema, you are an uninformed ideologue." I would be happy to coexist with Muslims, but it their religious texts and the example of their prophet that prevents me from doing so -- their decision, not mine. ..."
Only bad Muslims are peaceful. The ones who actually follow the express commandments of their religion try to kill "infidels," as many as they can, as often as they can. It is the only religion that is based on mass murder.
... And as far as "peaceful" Muslims are concerned, they will not remain peaceful when they attain the numbers they need to enforce Sharia on the West."
Starting off your post with a personal attack is really a bush-league move. It makes you look foolish when you call people names. What you think I am or am not is really not important.
"It is the only religion that is based on mass murder."
As long as you do not include the writings of the Jewish religion and Christianity. Followers of the Torah and the Bible are commanded to kill people in the name of 'god'. There is nothing new in the writings of Islam that is not in the Torah and the Bible.
You seem to be spouting many of the talking points put out by "Glenda Beck" the "Fix Noise" machine. Have you tried thinking for yourself?
Ema Nymton
Ema, referring to you as an uninformed ideologue is not a personal attack on you, but an accurate description. I stand by it.
As far as Christianity and the Torah advocating murder, it is a lie and isn't true. Besides reading the hate manual called the Koran, I have also read the Bible.
So when you are losing an argument, you have to resort to making up facts? How many Jews and Christians are committing mass murder in the name of God? None. How many Muslim countries does Israel want to "wipe off the map"? None.
As for thinking for myself, I am far more informed (and independent of thought) than you will ever be. I have read 17 scholarly books on the evil known as Islam, including the Koran. How many have you read? None? That's what I thought. You have been well programmed by your Marxist professors and colleagues.
"As far as Christianity and the Torah advocating murder, it is a lie and isn't true." Just because you deny something, does not make it true.
" How many Jews and Christians are committing mass murder in the name of God?"
Not being a religious scholar, I hesitate to try to include all murder and mayhem found in the 'good' books of the Torah and Bible. The books Numbers and Deuteronomy are always a good place to start looking for commands to kill, rape, commit genocide, and destroy. The book of Ester Chapter 9 has a whole lot of smote'n and slew'n. Oh yea. True followers can just pick and choose.
Just because something can be found in an ancient outdated documents (Christian/Jewish/Muslim) written thousands of years ago for backward tribes men does not mean people must follow the writings blindly today. God is the the problem in life. God's fan clubs are the biggest trouble.
As for your reading habits, one can guess you read the New Testament of the Bible and fail to understand the true teachings of the good Jewish Rabbi Jesus Christ.
Ema Nymton
"As far as Christianity and the Torah advocating murder, it is a lie and isn't true." Just because you deny something, does not make it true.
I deny it because I am informed and well-read and you are not. You are an ideologue with pre-established conclusions that you now seek to vindicate.
I read the entire Bible, including the Old Testament.
Yes, the Old Testament has some troubling passages, but they were meant for a time and place and not open-ended, to be followed for all time. No Jewish sect today either practices or advocates murder of non-believers. However, the Koran was open-ended and many Muslims do indeed follow its commandments to murder. So basically you are arguing that we should allow potential murderous terrorists into the country just because the ancient Jews had some questionable texts 4,000 years ago. Well that's really persuasive. When a jihadi is sawing off my head I will be so comforted knowing that the ancient Jews did some nasty things as well, several millenia back, and that will make it all right and peachy keen.
You persuasive devil you!
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