Mitt Romney told the truth while speaking to some supporters back in May. Someone filmed it, and the leftist site Mother Jones is displaying the video. Omigod! Romney's in trouble now! He told the truth!
Romney said 47% of American citizens will vote for Obama, no matter what, because (1) they pay no income taxes and don't care about tax cuts, (2) they see themselves as victims that the government is obligated to support.
Actually, per Rush, the figure is really 49%. However, Romney might have an an opportunity to win some of these voters by giving them a choice. Do they want to live in a society divided between the Makers and the Takers (with them in the latter category), or do they want to live in an Opportunity society where they have a chance to create a better life for themselves?
If Romney's truthful statement is a big GOTCHA, then let's have more of them. This political campaign needs truth, even unpopular truth, so voters can make informed decisions.
And so we do have some more political truth. Romney also said the Palestinians have no desire for peace with Israel. He is completely correct. The Palestinians, by way of their hateful, violent and intolerant religion, want Israel to disappear, along with all of its Jewish inhabitants. All of these political machinations in which our leaders pretend to "broker peace" or find a "two state solution" are just games, played for their political effect. They have no chance of succeeding and never did.
The middle east violence will never cease unless Islam reforms itself, and that won't happen without some serious the threat of nuking Mecca and Medina.
LA Fire Department Chief Fired
47 minutes ago
I'm not sure how well Romney's message is going to go down with the people who do work for a living, but pay more tax on their paltry twenty thousand or so than Romney does on his tens of millions. Time will tell, I guess. Anyway, regarding his presentation to the electorate, can't he ever make a joke or crack a smile? You don't win a presidential election by being a robot. Try asking Al Gore if you don't believe me.
Please! Remind US again why _people_ should vote for OMitt?
What is in it for US to vote for OMitt?
FYI - I just can't figure out why more people don't flock to OMitt?
Ema Nymton
You must be a liberal since you argue from false premises and dubious suppositions. Romney has paid in far more taxes than you will make in wages in your whole lifetime. 86% of all income taxes are paid by the top 25% of earners. Also, Romney has worked very hard for a living.
Ah Ema, always with latest leftist insult ("Omitt"). What's in it for Americans to vote for Romney? These things: (1) a more robust, growing economy that will create millions of new jobs; (2) lower energy costs (how much do you pay for gas now?); (3) less meddling in Islamic tyrannies and getting our people killed; (4) reversing and replacing Obamacare, which 2/3 of the American people don't want. Romney's whole life has been a testament to effective leadership, turning around failing companies and the winter Olympics, and creating wealth and jobs through the private sector. Not voting for Romney means we keep a radical college sophomore, a friend and ally of known communist terrorists, a man who believes in keeping energy prices as high as possible and has said so; a man who believes in wealth redistribution, or stealing from the producers to buy votes from the non-producers; it means continued high unemployment, a continuing sluggish economy, less opportunity for those who want to work, less security and a less effective and ready military; continuing American deaths overseas; just to name a few.
I agree that what Mitt Romney said was the truth. It could have been stated differently, but it was the truth, nonetheless. I hope he sticks to his guns and stops letting the media beat him into silence with their unfair and less-than-expert opinions.
"Romney has paid in far more taxes than you will make in wages in your whole lifetime." Considering how transparent OMitt has been with his taxes ...
And you know this by being allowed to view OMitt's tax returns from how many years???
Ema Nymton
"I suspect Romney will win." ....
"These things: (1) a more robust, growing economy that will create
millions of new jobs;" In China and Mexico
" (2) lower energy costs (how much do you pay for
gas now?)" Ya right! Free-Market does not set the prices; right?
" (3) less meddling in Islamic tyrannies and getting our people
killed; " So OMitt is going to allow Iran to get 'the nuke'??
(4) reversing and replacing Obamacare, which 2/3 of the
American people don't want. " Replace with what?? You really do live in a fantasy land.
You do realize when OMitt "told the truth while speaking to some supporters back in May", OMitt was talking smack about you. You see yourself as a VICTIM and you receive government support.
Your Obama Derangement Syndrome really has made you blind.
Ema Nymton
"I hope he sticks to his guns and stops letting the media beat him into silence with their unfair and less-than-expert opinions."
So do a lot of other people. Why not?
OMitt is losing and taking the RepublicanT Party down with him.
Ema Nymton
Dream on, Ema.
Ema, jobs have moved to India, China and Mexico because of Democrat-supported unions, who blackmail employers into paying them more money than they are worth. Unions bankrupted General Motors; unions are bankrupting California. So you are saying that a robust economy is a bad thing?? Boy you really are crazy, aren't you?
Yes, the free market does set the prices for energy; but it is SUPPLY AND DEMAND. The greater the supply, the lower the price. We need new sources of energy, like more coal, more nuclear power, more oil. Democrats oppose all efforts to increase supply. See sidebar for voting records of Democrats vs Republicans on legislation that would increase supply (and thereby reduce prices).
Meddling in Islamic tyrannies is attempting to make them into democracies, making them love us, supporting rebel factions against the existing despots, when the rebels are even more extreme than those they replace. I suspect Mitt would be much more effective at suppressing Iran's nuclear threat than do-nothing, meek Obama. For one thing, he would actively support Israel instead of alienating our greatest ally in that region.
Obamacare could be replaced with (1) tort reform, reducing the outrageous legal awards that lawyers (a Democrat interest group) regularly extort from doctors and hospitals; (2) remove interstate barriers to insurance companies that prevent them from selling in more than one state, thus increasing competition which tends to lower prices.
No, Mitt wasn't talking about me back in May, because I pay taxes and have paid through the nose for years.
Your desire to use government as your agent for mugging productive people in order to steal their money is really pathetic. I don't have Obama derangement syndrome, I am simply smart enough and experienced enough to know this fool hasn't a clue as to how the economy works and is motivated by an extreme leftwing ideology.
Ema, I am a licensed tax expert, and there is no way in hell that Romney could have gotten as rich as he is without paying a whole lot of taxes, or escaping the scrutiny of the IRS if he were somehow cheating the tax laws. The only reason you commies want to see his tax returns is to create artificial controversies, and he isn't going to allow that. Good for him.
Hey Ema do society a favor and hang yourself!
It's not the absolute amount that is relevant. It's the percentage.
Everybody who happens to disagree with you is a commie, are they? Quite frankly, this blog would be a complete waste of time, if it weren't for the amusing hyperbole and your Basil Fawlty reaction to differing opinions.
Between 1979 and 2007 incomes of the top 1% of Americans grew by an average of 275%. During the same time period, the 60% of Americans in the middle of the income scale saw their income rise by 40%. From 1992-2007 the top 400 income earners in the U.S. saw their income increase 392% and their average tax rate reduced by 37%. In 2009, the average income of the top 1% was $960,000 with a minimum income of $343,927. During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928 A family of 4 living on less than $23,000 per year is defined as poverty level in the USA. There are *46million* Americans living at or below the poverty level.
I'd say your system has worked very well for the rich, it's a system bequeathed to us by Regan & Thatcher & every administration since has followed unquestioningly in their path... & continue to do so after the crash.
It's the US system that produces such extreme wealth for a tiny minority & dire poverty for millions. I often see Americans call Euopean systems "socialist" but I doubt you know what socialist actually means... nevertheless the associated social problems (such as crime) that always accompany poverty aren't anywhere near as prevalent in Europe as they are in the USA. The USA locks up more citizens per head than any other country on earth... that'll be the freedom you're always on about then? The UK is closer to the US in systems than mainland Europe, it also has bigger poverty problems & locks up more of its citizens than any other EU country.
Actually looking at evidence is something you would never consider, you seem to take your politics like your religion, just based on unquestioning faith. & many Tea Party-goers & Republicans seem either too ill-educated or just too dumb to understand what they're actually calling for is fascism & they perceive themselves as part of "the strong" & not "the weak"
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