Hat tip to El Opinador Compulsivo. Recognize anyone in the video?
“pushing nature past its limits”
1 hour ago
This is Not Harry Reid |
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His election ensures the continuing shift away from the Rule of Law, property rights, free men, and free markets. Obama's vision of how the world works ensures a dire economy until an economic collapse resets everything.And this:
The United States and Europe have abandoned the fundamentals necessary for progress. Both are hopelessly committed to the failed ideas of Socialism. Both are headed for great catastrophe. The catastrophe extends beyond economic well-being and touches the foundations of society and civilization itself.Read the whole depressing article here.
We are headed into an economic dark age, where standards of living will continue to decline and may collapse. Societies and civilizations will also regress.
The most productive people, the small business owners, the entrepreneurs and the honest wage earners of America are so demoralized right now I am not sure we will recover as a country. We have lost the most important election of our lifetime and did so after giving our best effort, spent the most money ever and working the hardest we have ever worked. The very people that America needs the most to generate a real recovery now have the least motivation to do so and worse, lack the confidence necessary to even justify the effort.On polarization, he writes:
As a country we are hopelessly divided by a malignant polarization approaching that which divided us prior to the Civil War....The American can-do spirit, our optimism, our traditional dependence on our own ingenuity is now mere kindling on the advancing flame of an insidious yet steadily advancing socialism.On the feeling of despair many now have:
Those of us who create real jobs, invest our capital, our fortunes and take the risks to build America, feel betrayed. The fundamentals of honest effort and hard work rendering the rewards associated with capitalism seem now like a cruel joke. We are now a targeted enemy not to be governed but coerced into submission by a lazy, corrupt, vindictive, arrogant government that is out for revenge, redistribution -- and to add a final insult -- one we believe is too morally bankrupt to lead.Do read it all here.
I think Romney saw the polls last week and decided on a risky strategy of playing for Pennsylvania as his only way out. Just as it was 149 years ago, the fate of the nation was decided in Pennsylvania. The Romney campaign may be remembered as the Pickett's Charge of the conservative movement, a last desperate effort to stave off the cruel arithmetic of superior numbers overcoming principle and valor.Others have noted the same analogy, noting that the 2012 election may have been "the high water mark" of conservatism -- and it's all downhill from here.
It would be nice for Republicans if the facts were different and we could build a multi-ethnic, colorblind, conservative America, but the evidence is quite to the contrary.The awful truth is that non-whites are largely biased against whites and will even vote against their own best interests (as Asians did) in order to punish whites. Fifty years of slander of whites, in schools from kindergarten to the university, has emphasized the evil of white people, and how we (as a group) are responsible for all the world's ills. Many whites have become self-hating as a result, and are paralyzed by the cultural bugaboo against "racism" that says whites can never act in their own self-interest.
Like the remainder of Lee's army after Gettysburg, it is our duty to keep fighting to the bitter end, in hopes that Providence might shine upon our cause before it is too late. We must contest every single inch of ground and delay the baby-murdering, tax-raising socialists at every opportunity. But in due time, the maggots will have eaten every morsel of flesh off of the rotting corpse of the Republic.The long-term solution? Secession, and again I agree. Morrison writes
The bond between a husband and wife is sacred. National borders, once they have exhausted their historical purpose, are not.It is time for an amicable divorce. Read it all here.
Living the Environmentally Friendly Life |
It appears that the reason Obama won was that many conservatives, including readers of this site, disliked Romney so much that they preferred to have Obamacare, preferred to have the contraceptive mandate, preferred to have the destruction of the private health insurance industry and of the private medical care industry leading to outright socialized medicine, preferred to have an annual trillion dollar increase in the deficit, preferred to have a president allied with and actively facilitating the spread of jihadist regimes in the Mideast, than to have Romney as president. In short, if what the commenters are saying is true, it appears that the most terrible event in the history of this country, the final destruction of the constitutional American Republic, was brought about by conservatives for whom McCain was conservative enough, but Romney was not conservative enough.Why did they stay home? Was it because Romney is a Mormon? Probably not, or the evangelical South would not have gone heavily for Romney.
What does government do for them [the third-world immigrants]?Why indeed. Read it all here.
Subsidizes their housing and provides free education for their kids from Head Start through K-12, plus food stamps and school lunches, Pell Grants and student loans for college, Medicaid if they are sick, earned income tax credits if they work and 99 weeks of unemployment checks if they lose their job.
These are people who depend upon government.
Why would they vote for a party that is going to cut taxes they do not pay, but take away government benefits they do receive?
Republican leaders apparently believe that if they give citizenship to millions of Third World immigrants that those immigrants will become Republican voters. However, Hispanics voted more than two-to-one against the GOP in the recent presidential race. When Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to two million Mexicans back in 1980 he created nearly two million more Democratic voters. Most of the people that Hannity wants to give voting rights to will end up voting against his party. California, only a few decades ago a mostly-White State that leaned Republican, now has a White minority and is a solidly Democratic State. The more Hispanic the State has become, the more Democratic it has become. Granting citizenship to millions more Hispanics will only weaken the Republican Party.I very much agree with Michael on this issue. Read his entire article here.
We conservatives, we do not accept bipartisanship in the pursuit of tyranny. Period. We will not negotiate the terms of our economic and political servitude. Period. We will not abandon our child to a dark and bleak future. We will not accept a fate that is alien to the legacy we inherited from every single future generation in this country. We will not accept social engineering by politicians and bureaucrats who treat us like lab rats, rather than self-sufficient human beings. There are those in this country who choose tyranny over liberty. They do not speak for us, 57 million of us who voted against this yesterday, and they do not get to dictate to us under our Constitution.Interestingly enough, Levin openly discusses the latino demographic which has proven so deleterious to the American ethos, stating the obvious, that the Democrats support unbridled immigration of third-worlders because such immigrants will become Democrats and vote for the welfare state.
.... even if the historical American order is finished, which I believe it is and have said so repeatedly, the world hasn't ended, we are still living in it and have to try to understand it and make sense of it and figure out how we are going to live in it. Indeed, I and readers are at this moment trying to come to terms with the overwhelming disaster that has come upon us, and that’s part of what VFR is about.Flyovercountry, of The Blogmocracy:
There really are two America’s, and the problem is that they are geographically intertwined. One American wishes to live under the rule of law established by our founders, who saw the destructive potential of a democracy, and the lasting virtue of a republic. Protecting individual rights against the tyranny of a majority who would simply vote themselves authority to systematically rob the fruits of the labors of those who chose to be productive. The second American wishes to live in a society that would seek to cede all responsibility and consequence to a federal authority in exchange for having their basic needs provided for. The second America is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave, but is instead the land of the kept and the home of the clueless. They seek nothing more than to have their freedoms traded one by one for a stream of relatively cheap consumer products and state run reeducation at one of the labor camps known as land grant colleges. Unfortunately, these two Americas live side by side, and have very little if any geographical division, which would be necessary for the divorce that I believe is now inevitable. Said divorce will be a messy affair, but there is no chance of a reconciliation that I can see as being possible.Kurt Silverfiddle of Western Hero:
If we couldn’t sell a conservative, small-government message with a moderate-friendly candidate running against an imperious ruler many perceived to be a crypto-marxist, or at best constitutionally-challenged, then small-government conservatism is a spent force. Many conservatives will drift to the middle looking for morsels, while the rump right will meet the fate of its European cousins, enduring a meager existence as either principled cranks or angry extremists.
One bright spot: We conservatives and libertarians are now the subversives.Melanie Phillips -- "America Goes Into the Darkness":
Oh, and GOP, you can kiss my ass. I hate your party more than the Democrats. At least the Donkeys know who they are and aren't suffering a perpetual identity crisis. And they know how to grab what they want. The typical Republican politician couldn't grab his ass with both hands and a mirror.
The greatest satisfaction today over the re-election of Obama is not being felt in the Democratic Party. It is not being felt among the media, who are no longer objective observers but have turned instead into corrupt partisans who ruthlessly censored the truth about Obama and helped peddle his demonising propaganda about his opponent. It is not being felt among the gloating, drooling decadents of the western left who now scent a great blood-letting of all who dare defy their secular inquisition. No, the greatest satisfaction is surely being felt in Iran.
Four years ago, America put into the White House a sulky narcissist with an unbroken history of involvement in thuggish, corrupt, far-left, black power, Jew-bashing, west-hating politics. Obama’s agenda has been crystal clear from the get-go: to increase the power of the state over the citizen at home, and to neutralise American power abroad. Four more years of this and he’ll almost certainly have succeeded. The impact upon western security could be cataclysmic.John Hinderaker of Powerline:
Then there is the fact that relatively few Americans actually pay for the government they consume. To a greater extent than any other developed nation, we rely on upper-income people to finance our federal government. When that is combined with the fact that around 40% of our federal spending isn’t paid for at all–it is borrowed–it is small wonder that many self-interested voters are happy to vote themselves more government. Mitt Romney proclaimed that Barack Obama was the candidate of “free stuff,” and voters took him at his word.
The question is, can this vicious cycle ever be broken? Once we are governed by a majority that no longer believes in the America of the Founding, is there any path back to freedom and prosperity? The next four years will bring unprecedented levels of spending, borrowing and taxation. The national debt will rise to $20 trillion or more. When interest rates increase, as they inevitably must, interest costs will squeeze out other government spending. That might not be all bad, except that defense will go first. If Obama’s second term turns into a disaster, fiscal or otherwise, voter revulsion may return the Republicans to power. But that doesn’t mean that America will be saved.Daniel Greenfield of Sultan Knish:
The left got this far by having a plan. We will either find a plan or we will be gone. America will go the way of Latin America, with gated communities, conservative oligarchs, violent ghettos and red politicians screaming about power to the people. There will be no law, just men with guns and newspapers, and generals in convenient positions, and suitcases full of cocaine in the right hands. If you like this system, it's probably only a generation away. Given enough immigration from south of the border-- maybe less. And then California turns into Brazil and America turns into California.
Revolutions are not born out of success, they are born out of despair. They rise out of the dark hours of the night. They come from the understanding that all the other options are running out. Sometimes you have to fall down to rise and sometimes you have to hit bottom, to gather one last breath and fight to reach the top.
Please forgive me for having encouraged anyone to believe that there was still hope to save America. We’re obviously doomed beyond all hope of redemption.The sad thing is that Romney will win the popular vote, but lose the election.
Most pollsters miss one ingredient — common sense. My gut instinct is that not one American who voted for McCain four years ago will switch to Obama. But many millions of people who voted for an unknown Obama four years ago are angry, disillusioned, turned off or scared about the future. Voters know Obama now — and that is a bad harbinger.Read it all here.
Obama does not believe in using the military to defend our national security, which he sees as aggressive, Republican, and cowboy. This was Obama's 9/11, not Bush's. He did not see the attack on our embassy as a jihadi attack on American soil. He saw a group of aggrieved Muslim citizens, with good reason to be angry -- the spontaneous mob enraged by an offensive video. He would follow a Democrat policy of promoting peace, not war, in which avoiding civilian casualties is the paramount goal.In other words, Barack Obama was willing to sacrifice the lives of 37 embassy personnel through inaction and gross negligence, in pursuit of a leftist ideology. (Due to CIA Agent Tyrone Woods disobeying orders to "stand down," only four were killed -- including Woods.) If the truth were known, the American people would ride Obama's worthless butt out of DC on a rail. The mainstream media, of course, will not allow that to happen.
The other answer is directly political. It would be damaging for Obama's already weak record to admit that there was a 9/11 attack by al-Qaeda in one of the supposed successes of the Arab Spring. Responding militarily would have made the weaknesses of Obama's foreign policy all too evident. An American military response would have undercut one of Obama's main campaign slogans: "GM is alive and Osama is dead."