This week the dirty Dems tried to resurrect their smear from 2011, that Sarah Palin's congressional map of "targeted" districts was a call for violence against Democrat candidates. I debunked this big load of fertilizer at the time, with my post of January 10, 2011, Sarah Palin's "Cross-Hairs" Map: Much Ado About Nothing.
The New York Times brought up this old manufactured controversy after a Democrat opened fire on Republican Congressmen last week, who were practicing baseball for a charity event. Sarah Palin is considering suing the New York Times for libel. This smear was vicious at the time, and hasn't improved with age.
What the Times didn't tell you is that the Democrats have used a similar map, not with cross-hairs, but actual bulls-eyes. No one ever claimed that their map was a subtle encouragement for political assassination. This, even though the Democrat map has the title "Targeting Strategy" and describes the Republican districts as "Behind Enemy Lines." Sheer hypocrisy. You can see that map at the link noted above.
I also posited that Gabby Giffords may have inadvertently targeted herself, by making the "cross-hairs" claim on local Arizona television. The psycho who shot her, Jared Loughner, probably never saw Palin's map, which was on her website. It is far more likely that he saw Gabby Giffords on local television claiming that Palin had targeted her for violence, and acted on that instead. See my post of January 14, 2011 to that effect, Did Gabby Giffords Inadvertently Target Herself? (Video).
The lying, ruthless Democrats apparently never considered that their accusations might be acted upon by a maniac.
Tough Week For Science Criminals
1 hour ago