Colonel Allen West, a black Marine, is now Representative Allen West, Republican Congressman from Florida. I am loathe to jump on the PC bandwagon and insist on a black candidate to match the Democrats black candidate, but Allen West seems like the real deal. The points he made in the closing speech at CPAC yesterday were solid conservative gold. Therefore I now consider him a conservative hero and stalwart whom I shall henceforth take seriously. West "gets it" and deserves our moral and political support.
UN Is Upset
2 hours ago
"China is still a communist country that is using capitalism against us".
Didn't get much of an applause... but I couldn't agree more with that statement.
I support Allen West and would vote for him for POTUS in 2012.
However, I am disappointed in his comment about a "hijacked Islam." Information HERE.
Of course, the story of how he was relieved of command would come up in such a campaign.
AOW, I wasn't aware he had described Islam as "hijacked." Of course, it has not been hijacked; it is just irredeemably evil and violent and terrorists are merely practicing Muslims following the dictates of their "prophet."
I am aware of the gun-firing incident and have always held that West did the right thing.
Le Colonel A.West commence a être connu en France ,surtout sur les blogs . Je pense qu'il est un homme bien , mais parfois les politiques doivent dirent certaines choses pour ne pas trop déplaire à une catégorie de gens ,qui s'avèrent très dangereux ! Le Colonel a aussi une famille et il doit faire attention!Il ne peux pas non plus heurter les populations ....
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