I have resembled that remark! II have, on occasion, driven an old Ford 8N tractor all day. Keeping your head swiveled around makes for a lot of red on the neck.
Love it! I spent an hour or two today among the tombstones in the woods of south-eastern Virginia. These were the family graves of plantation owners' family and, probably slaves and workers, who all seem to have died around 1862-1864. In this country the markers are thick. I don't think all these monuments can be torn down by a bunch of hateful pricks.
A Constitution for the Future South
Presented at the 2025 Abbeville Institute Conference “The New South and
Future South” A green hill… covered with wavering grass… sweeps up to a
mighty cast...
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Must be racist!
Yep. Crazy rednecks for sure.
Be careful now! I believe Thomas Sowell has a book out on black "rednecks".
I understand that you lost!
Yes. And so did you.
I like rednecks
I have resembled that remark! II have, on occasion, driven an old Ford 8N tractor all day. Keeping your head swiveled around makes for a lot of red on the neck.
Love it! I spent an hour or two today among the tombstones in the woods of south-eastern Virginia. These were the family graves of plantation owners' family and, probably slaves and workers, who all seem to have died around 1862-1864. In this country the markers are thick. I don't think all these monuments can be torn down by a bunch of hateful pricks.
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