I like Jesus, the man and philosopher. His birthday is worth celebrating every December 25th. Nevertheless, I have serious problems with Christianity.
In a nutshell, the story of Jesus is this: God made man as a human being, with certain traits, needs, desires, and temptations. But God didn’t like his imperfect creation. When humans do human things, also called “sin,” like adultery, fornication, lying, etc, then humans must be punished by being thrown into Hell, a Lake of Fire, and suffer ghastly torment for all eternity. In other words, God is punishing us for his mistakes. Seems a bit harsh and unfair to me.
To escape this punishment, you must believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he was raised from the dead, and that he died for your salvation, I.e., the remission of your sins. Believing all this is problematic for me, since it happened 2,021 years ago and they didn’t have videotape, newspapers or keep great records back then. Of course, you may believe on faith, and faith isn’t as weak as atheists would have you believe. Faith is just another way of knowing, sometimes at least.
Somewhere in the New Testament it says that “there is no remission of sins without the shedding of blood.” So Jesus had to suffer a horrible death for things he didn’t do, to satisfy this God’s bloodlust and desire for revenge. What kind of monster god is this? Not one that I choose to believe in.
I am not, however, an atheist. Have no fear: you are already an immortal soul and you don’t need saving. I prefer the eastern theory of birth and rebirth, the soul learning more with each incarnation until it may escape the cycle of reincarnation and remain in Heaven. When wise people are referred to as “old souls” this is what they are referring to.
Don’t agree with me? You don’t have to. No one knows for sure what our time in this realm really means. Hopefully, we will eventually find out.