Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Was Derek Chauvin Railroaded?

Derek Chauvin is the former Minneapolis cop who was found guilty of murdering black career criminal George Floyd.  Chauvin had Floyd face down on the ground with Chauvin’s knee on the side of Floyd’s neck to immobilize Floyd.  The knee on the side of the neck is not fatal or dangerous, it was accepted police procedure when Chauvin applied it.  It does not choke nor crush the windpipe, according to what I’ve read.  

Floyd did not die because of Chauvin’s knee, he died three hours later in the hospital, due to an overdose of Fentanyl. Here’s the dope on the dope:
Common brands: Duragesic, Abstral, Subsys

Narcotic - It can treat severe pain

Controlled Substance
High risk for addiction and dependence
Can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol or other illicit drugs such as heroin or cocaine.”

Note that Floyd was saying that he couldn’t breathe, both before and after Chauvin put him in the knee-hold.  It was the drug he took, not Chauvin’s knee that killed him.

What we see here is what I call the Dalai Lama effect:  the magic transformation of a thug into a high priest of purity and holiness as soon as he expires in police custody.  This must be done to absolve the black underclass from ever taking responsibility for their own terrible life choices, and to avoid having them burn down yet another town in a liberal state where police are too cowed to stop them.

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