Thursday, January 06, 2022

Is America Over?

The Democrats are telling horrendous lies about the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill protest.  The worst was by the Pretender in Chief, Joe Biden, who claimed that “The former president” directed the attack as he watched it on television.  The vacuous Kamala Harris likened Jan 6 to Pearl Harbor and 911.  This, in spite of Trump’s Jan 4 request for protective troops around the Capitol, a request that the Democrats repeatedly refused and rejected.

The sham Jan 6 committee is operating without a bipartisan membership for the first time in American history.  The Dems are vastly false, ruthless and seditious, fanatically dedicated to seizing and preserving power by any and all means necessary.  How can we have a country with such people?
We can’t.  If the midterm elections in November do not result in a crushing defeat of the Democrat seditionists, there will be no point in pretending further that we do.  There will be no point in having elections, passing laws, having meetings of Congress, doing the many tasks and duties of running a federal government.  It will all be a sham.

Perhaps it already is.  In my opinion, the United States of America ended with the fraudulent election of November 2020.  The question now is how to pick up the pieces.

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