Monday, January 29, 2007

How Multiculturalism Is Killing The West

Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom is in rare form today. His essay today clearly describes the Leftist mindset that weakens Western resolve to avoid its own destruction. Goldstein is a deep thinker with great writing skill. Today's post is one of his best and I encourage all of you to read it.

Jeff writes:

Regular readers of this site will, of course, find it spectacularly unsurprising that multiculturalism—in all its various social and policy guises (from “political correctness” to “diversity” initiatives to mandatory “tolerance” training seminars)—is one of the prime conduits for fracturing what progressive transnationalists have always seen as unseemly nationalism, the goal being to create countries composed of “citizens of the world,” a utopian ideal that has always conveniently and obdurately bracketed the harsh reality that much of the world is itself quite unseemly, and that we’d do well not to confuse the delightful commingling of cuisines and customs that have made boutique multiculturalism so popular among self-styled cultural elites with the balkanization of entire countries, wherein cultural identity groups each develop and nurture their own grievance narratives and, as a consequence of vying for limited government largesse, are always eager to assume the role of oppressed victim in order, ironically, to increase their social and policy influence.

In short, the very foundation of multiculturalist philosophy, as I’ve long argued, practically ensures the various social strains that will, if left unchecked, lead inexorably to civil unrest and a potential deconstruction of the free societies that have (blindly and, worse, arrogantly) promoted the project.

Read it all here.

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