I will be be on the Gathering Storm Blog-Talk Radio Show on Friday, August 29, at noon PST or 3 PM, Eastern Daylight Time. W.C. of the Gathering Storm Blog will interview me and we will be talking about the use of graphics and digital art as ways to augment conservative blogs and further the conservative cause. I will discuss some of the projects I have worked on, where my work has appeared, and other conservative digital artists who are worthy of your attention.
You can listen to the show at this link.
The call-in phone number is (646) 915-9870.
For additional information, see Always On Watch or the Gathering Storm blogs.
Always on Watch will not be present on this show as she is having a cataract operation; we wish her Godspeed and a successful operation.
You can listen to the show at this link.
The call-in phone number is (646) 915-9870.
For additional information, see Always On Watch or the Gathering Storm blogs.
Always on Watch will not be present on this show as she is having a cataract operation; we wish her Godspeed and a successful operation.
Update: I appeared on the show. After playing back the recording, I can see I need to work hard on a better delivery. My speech was choppy, not always well enunciated, and I speak way too fast. If you want to listen, the link to the recording is at this site.