1. Photographs of Sarah Palin taken late in her pregnancy show no sign of the abdominal bump that indicates pregnancy.
2. A Photograph of Palin's daughter allegedly taken in March of this year shows the daughter with a bump, or slightly swollen belly.
The facts are as follows:
1. Photographs of Palin supplied by the Daily KOS show Palin wearing heavy coats or in an obstructed view of her abdomen. Other photographs, such as this one from ABC News, show her in profile on February 10, 2008 and her swollen abdomen is noticeable.
2. A science teacher named Elizabeth Eubanks wrote of meeting Sarah Palin and her daughter Piper in the Fairbanks airport in March 2008, and noticed that Sarah Palin was indeed pregnant. Eubanks wrote of the encounter on April 29, 2008:
There were several of us Polar TRECers waiting in the Fairbanks, AK airport3. Palin appeared before the Hoover Institution Board on Feb 26, 2008 to discuss the Alaskan gas pipeline. A photograph of her behind the lectern shows clear evidence of her pregnancy.
to catch our planes home. We were chatting about all we had learned when Kristen
Timm, ARCUS administrator said “ Look, there is the Hottest Governor in the
United States” as she has been publicly deemed by media and fans. Of course
I had to check out the “Hottest Governor in the US” and quickly turned to see her
pregnant (she has since had her baby) with bags and daughter in tote.
4. The photo of Bristol Palin that the Daily Kos claims shows her pregnant does not prove any such thing. Palin's baby was born on April 18, so the daughter would have to be 8 months pregnant in the photograph. The "bump" in the photo, however, is much smaller than that. It is only a slight midriff bulge. See top photo.
It turns out that the Daily Kos photo was not from March 2008, but was in fact taken in 2006 by the Daily Anchorage News. Trig was conceived in the summer of 2007. If you count 9 months backward from April 2008 he would have been conceived in July or August 2007. Maybe Bristol just needs to lay off the sweets. In any case, she could not have been pregnant with Trig whether the photo date was 2006 or 2008.
Another photo taken by a private individual shows Sarah Palin obviously pregnant with Trig late in the pregnancy in 2008. It is the second photo from the top.
Conclusions: the photographic evidence and personal account of Elizabeth Eubanks appears conclusive. Sarah Palin was pregnant with Trig and is his mother.