Sunday, August 31, 2008

Democratic Underground Encourages Smear of Palin's Baby

From Atlas Shrugs, we have notice that a writer at the Democratic Underground, a radical Democrat website, has urged Democrats to participate in a smear campaign against Sarah Palin, the Vice Presidential running mate to John McCain. The smear claims that Palin's Down Syndrome infant was actually borne by Palin's teenage daughter and that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up the scandal. It is probably not coincidental that this same scenario was a plot in the television series "Desperate Housewives." Now it is a plot for "Desperate Democrats."

The Democrat writer wrote:

NoodleyAppendage (1000+ posts) Sat Aug-30-08 10:26
122. What many here don't understand. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. RUMOR IS TRUTH.

The modern laws of media hype and political warfare have a useful tenet:
Repeat ANYTHING or raise false concern over ANYTHING and it is likely to be planted in the conscious/subconscious of many voters.

If people start to think that there might be something fishy with Palin's last kid (if hers), then that's FINE. One more doubt (whether tied to reality or not) is another hesitation at the ballot box.

GET WITH THE PROGRAM PEOPLE. The "rising above it" bullshit has served us so well in the past, hasn't it?

If you have problems with the story, then STFU and get out of the way of Dems who are engaged in MODERN POLITICAL WARFARE. Go tend your garden or some other pedestrian task, because the "concern trolls" are not helping shape the message.

The post encourages the spread of the false and filthy rumor started by a writer at the Daily Kos, another leftist site, that Palin's Downs Syndrome infant was really the daughter's baby, that Palin faked her pregnancy to hide the daughter's out of wedlock condition. There is no concern for the psychological damage such a rumor might do to Palin's innocent, 16 year old daughter. For that reason alone, the Palin family should SUE THE BALLS OFF of any smear-mongers who propagate this libel.

It is really disgusting what the lowlifes of the left will resort to in order to win an election. Here we have a Democrat openly urging others to spread the rumor, even though false, in order to slander the Palin family and suppress voter support for the Republican ticket.

Atlas gave the link to the Democratic Underground where the message was posted. I checked it and found that the post had already been removed.

SPREAD THE WORD about the rotten, evil politics of the Democrat Left. Let the voting public know what they are voting for when they vote for Democrats.