Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jonathan Chait: Political Correctness is "a Kind of Virtual Mental Prison."

Jonathan Chait has written a controversial essay for New York magazine on the subject of "political correctness":  Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say hat tip American Power.  Chait's explanation of this phenomenon is that it is a form of censure, thought control, permanent control of public discussion so that only certain memes and themes may be advanced, with any opposing views silenced and ostracized.  Political correctness is a new form of Stalinism (my description, not Chait's).

The goal of political correctness is to shut down debate on subjects beloved by the left.  Criticism, opposing ideas are forbidden.  The result is that in leftist venues like the college campus, a hostile culture and work environment holds sway over the populace.  A hyper-sensitivity to any imagined race or gender bias exists, and those who inadvertently trigger it are to be publicly humiliated, excoriated and socially and professionally ostracized.  This is the P.C, environment, which Chait has described as a "kind of virtual mental prison."

Political correctness is tyranny.  That's why I have been determined to say what I think in this blog, regardless of who it may offend.

If you have recently been enrolled in college courses, you probably noticed the strange culture that exists on campuses.  Attitudes about race, sex, gender and economics seem bizarre, odd and alien.  That is because of the intellectual bubble in which the left lives, the false reality they have constructed for themselves.  Their values are warped and unnatural.  You find yourself tip-toeing around crowds of weirdos to avoid giving offense and bringing down the anger of the strange alien masses.  Take a good look, for this is what America will look like if they have their way.