Sunday, January 25, 2015

2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record! Yeah, Right. #climatechange

"2014 was the hottest
  year on record!"
One of the most hard-to-believe memes to come out this month is the absurd notion that "2014 was the warmest year in history."  Really?  Where, on Uranus?

In my life experience, 2014 was one of the coldest years since my parents moved to California sixty-one years ago this month.  Arctic ice is at record levels.  Snow is falling all over the globe [see coming New York storm for instance].  Yet you can ignore all of that.  The "climate scientists" have decreed otherwise.  Ignore the icicles, the storms, the snow flurries: the warmists have spoken.

Anyone who believes in catastrophic man-made "climate change" will never get my vote.  Mitt Romney is therefore out of the question.

UPDATE:  Powerline reports that 2014 was one of the coldest years in the last 10,000 years, based on ice core data.  Also, Powerline shows how leftist governments have "adjusted" the data of prior decades to give a fake warming effect.  Read it here.