Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bill O'Reilly Blows It; The Wisdom of Keeping It Zipped

Bill O'Reilly, Former Fox Employee
Bill O'Reilly, the most successful and popular television pundit at Fox News, has been let go.  This is a major coup for the left, who love shutting down powerful voices of reason and right. However, Bill apparently helped them by his own really stupid behavior.

The New York Times, a major publication of the fascist left, found the dirt that did the downfall.  Fox, they learned, had paid out a few million dollars to several women employees of Fox.  The payments were necessitated by O'Reilly's alleged sexual harassment of the women.  Powerful men in prominent places sometimes lose control of their penises, and flaunt their position by pressuring women employees to have sex with them.  Ask Bill Clinton.

This "sexual harassment" phenomenon has been well known for several decades now, as have the consequences thereof.  Any man in the public eye who sexually harasses a fellow employee is a damn fool.  Yes, that small appendage between male legs is known to cancel reason and rationality.  No matter how intelligent a man might be otherwise, satisfying junior can impel him to take terrible risks with his reputation and do really dumb things.

Thanks a lot, Bill.  On behalf of leftists everywhere.