Sunday, September 02, 2007

Disturbing Facts About Islam and Muslim Immigrants

Foehammer's Anvil lists several disturbing facts about Islam:

FACT #1:
The goal of Islam is the subjugation of the entire world to Islam through the establishment of a global Islamic rule and the eradication of all non-Islamic populations, cultures, religions, thoughts, knowledge, symbols, traditions and ways of life. This goal is non-negotiable in fundamental doctrines of Islam and in the eyes of true Muslims.

FACT #2:
Islamists will not stop their assault (open or clandestine) on the non-Muslim world as long as they have not achieved Islamic rule.

FACT #3:
IN ISLAMIC TEACHING, THE END ALWAYS JUSTIFIES THE MEANS: Islamists have no respect for the rules, laws or values of the non-Islamic world, to them only the rules of the Islamic world are legitimate. In their mind, when they destroy the non-Islamic world then the rules will change to Islamic rules, laws and values.

Read the whole list here.

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