Thursday, June 12, 2008

Insurgent in a Burqua Dispatched by U.S. Army

From the U.K. Times Online:

The suicide bomb belt lies beside the body of the man shot in Lashkar Gar in Southern Helmand today.

Among the trail of clothes around him is the women's burqa with which he had disguised himself as he set out, explosives strapped to his chest, towards the police compound that was his target.

“He was shot in the forehead after he ignored warning shots and was killed on the spot,” said Hussain Andiwal, provincial police chief. “When we took off his burqa we found he was a man with a suicide vest tied around his body.”

Read it all.

You have to wonder how the dead assmunch is going to explain the woman's clothes to Allah. I do hope they bury him in that burqua.

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