Obviously Biegel had filed a frivolous complaint simply to persecute a public figure that she personally despises. This was only one such false ethics charge filed against Governor Palin -- there have been a total of fourteen, all of them decided in Sarah Palin's favor. It should be clear that these ethics complaints are merely the dirty politics we are used to seeing from the Democratic Party, i.e. petty, mean and small. The Democrats, in their parallel world, often call conservatives "haters." Clearly this is projection; when it comes to irrational hatred, the Left is in a class by itself. Biegel is a good example.The latest complaint to be decided [in Palin's favor] was filed by Anchorage
resident Linda Kellen Biegel, who took issue with Mrs. Palin for wearing to a public function a jacket made by a company that sponsored the governor's husband, Todd, a snow machine racer. Ms. Biegel asked the personnel board to determine whether Mrs. Palin was abusing her position to serve her personal and financial interests.Palin called the complaint "asinine political grandstanding," and the board's independent investigator said there was no evidence of wrongdoing.
In her complaint, any lack of ethics was that of Biegel. However, she wasn't through yet. This week Biegel posted a vulgar Photoshop on her blog that showed Sarah Palin holding her Down's Syndrome infant, Trig. Biegel had distorted Trig's face into something ugly and unnatural. It was a creepy and hateful thing to do and caused outrage in the conservative blogosphere.
Earlier today I responded to Biegel's hate with an insulting Photoshop of my own. After thinking about it, however, I deleted it. Instead of trading insult for insult, I would rather address Linda Kellen Biegel by asking her a question:
Linda, why do you hate Sarah Palin so ferociously? Surely she has done nothing to deserve your wrath. Isn't it true that Palin is just a scapegoat for other frustrations and bitterness in your personal life? Does she look like the pretty girl who stole your boyfriend in high school? What's really going on in the dark corners of your subconscious?
I'd really like to know...but I suspect you don't even know yourself.