Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Christmas After-Day: My Thoughts

Christmas 2013 was one of the best Christmases I have enjoyed for some time.  Why, I am not sure.  My chronic depression disappeared, and I enjoyed the company of family and friends.  I even felt (and still feel) strangely optimistic.

One of the factors in erasing my depression was learning new Photoshop skills -- I had a ball learning and implementing moving graphics, e.g. falling snow, flickering candle light.  I notice that when I am doing something creative and learning new skills, my depression shrinks or becomes non-existent.  Playing bass in bands also works.  In 2014, I plan to increase my skills and my activities in both of these pursuits.

I also think that 2014 will be my last year to do taxes.  I allowed myself to get roped into working the tax season, but I am not enthusiastic about it.  If my friend, the manager of the tax office, was not very short on tax accountants, I would bow out -- but I hate to leave a friend in the lurch.  Doing taxes is always a painful reminder of just how wasteful and arbitrary and absurdly complicated our tax laws are.  Also, how expensive  and frightening it is for the average citizen to to comply with those laws.  The Tax Code offends me greatly.

Well I am going downstairs to find my breakfast, after which I will study some more Photoshop techniques.  Have a great day, y'all.