BAGHDAD (Reuters) - American hostage Tom Fox has been killed and his body, showing signs of torture, left on a garbage dump in Baghdad, police said on Saturday. One of the policemen who found the body said the 54-year-old peace activist, wearing a gray tracksuit, appeared to have been beaten by electric cables before his death. He had a single gunshot wound to the head and his hands were tied behind him. Fox, who had been in Iraq to campaign against the U.S. occupation and to work for the release of Iraqis held by U.S. forces, was taken hostage with three colleagues in November by a group calling itself the "Swords of Truth".
This story from Reuters proves again that Muslim terrorists don't care if you are on their side or not. If you are an Infidel, you must die. Tom Fox was an anti-war American pacifist, in Iraq to work for ending the U.S. occupation and freeing insurgent prisoners. Were the Muslims grateful for this? Did they work with Fox to accomplish their mutual goals? No. They tortured him then murdered him.
Tom Fox did not accomplish his ends, but he did not die in vain. His sacrifice shows just how impotent pacifism is in the face of a murderous tyranny. This is nothing new, it has been learned and relearned the hard way for centuries. Unfortunately, there will always be a fresh crop of credulous idealists who think the world will conform itself to their wishful thinking.
There is only one way to deal with Islamic terrorists: Kill them.
Read the entire article here.
Thanks Ken. I'll link to your blog too ASAP.
Nice to meet such a kindred spirit.
Ken, I watched the cow abduction website with great interest. I live in a rural area of Northern California and pass fields full of cows on my way to work in Silicon Vally. We don't get many cow abductions here, though. We grow a lot of garlic and I suppose that wards off the cow-snatching aliens the way it does vampires. We don't have a vampire problem either, which proves it's working.
Hi! Welcome in the Anti-Dhimmi club :). Will link to you in my blog.
Thanks Freedom! I will link to you too when I have a chance to update my links.
I think I am going to better organize my links like Ken's - Ken you have great ideas on how to organize a blog and I want to borrow some of your ideas! :)
Ken, I have seen the Zipper fish cartoon and found it hilarious!!
Ken,amazing, I am working in Santa Clara! I am a consultant to publicly held corporations.
Love to have lunch with you soon.
Ken, email me and we can set it up.
Stogie and Ken, I've been banging my head for a couple of years trying to find ways to get people to meet face to face so we can make a solid defence against Islam; and here you two run into each other on the spot. I've met people through blogs here in Vancouver, Canada, and now we meet once a week to plan our campaigns. If in time you folks are up to it, think about inviting others to your lunches.
I find that sitting with committed people face to face is more improtant that most of the blogging I do. Now these meetings are starting to spread around the globe, however slowly.
Keep me posted, if you will, and perhaps others as well.
Regards, Dag.
Dag, an excellent idea. Just before I read your post, I was thinking that Ken and I could be the nucleus of our own blue scarf group. We'll see how it goes.
By the way, I have been to Vancouver several times. It is one of my favorite cities, very lovely and world class. My oldest son was married there to his Canadian bride.
Thanks, Ken.
Stogie, glad I have this chance to meet you too.
Hope to hoist a drinkable in person with you all soon.
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