Sunday, September 06, 2009

Obama Red "Green Jobs" Czar Resigns

Van Jones, Obama's Marxist "Green Jobs" advisor, has resigned. It seems some people had a problem with Van Jones' Marxist ideology and belief that 9/11 was "an inside job."
Jones made controversy earlier in the week when he referred to Republicans as "assholes." According to Fox News:
Jones was a self-described "communist" during the 1990s and previously worked with a group dedicated to Marxist and Leninist philosophies. His comments, even in recent years, were often racially charged. He's blamed "white polluters and white environmentalists" for "steering poison" to minority communities. In 2005, he drew a distinction between white and black youths involved in shooting incidents by referencing the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

"You've never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never," Jones said.

The above photo shows Van Jones wearing his Communist hat. Presumably his more well-known tinfoil hat was at the cleaner's. Van Jones' temperament, ideology and background all well illustrate the deep seriousness and profound wisdom of Barack Obama and his vision for America. Or not.

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