Drudge Report shows Obama beating Romney in swing states if the election were held today, by 47% to 45%. RealClearPolitics.com also shows a number of polls, the average of which shows Obama ahead by an average of 2.7%.
It's hard to believe the American people could be that dumb, but that's the world we live in. In spite of the passage of Obamacare, in spite of a continuing recession with high unemployment, the sheeple support incompetence and an anti-American president.
Romney is being criticized for not attacking Obama with any energy or force. Like McCain, he apparently believes that being "a gentleman" is more important than saving the country from socialism. A candidate without strong core beliefs and principles just doesn't have the heart to mud-wrestle with a street-fighting punk like Obama.
I sometimes wonder if the Establishment GOP supports weak candidates because they either don't really care who wins, or don't strenuously oppose "progressive" politics. In any case, if Obama is re-elected, it is time to create a Third Party who will support true conservative candidates. Yes, I know that third parties generally don't win, but how does that make them different from the GOP?
If America is over, it's because Americans want it that way. As for me, I think I'll rejoin the League of the South and support secession. I really don't care to be a part of the United Socialist States of America.
The End Of Snow
33 minutes ago
The only reason I am voting for Mitt Romney is Barack Obama. I dislike immensely the fact that I am letting fear drive my voting principles, but my fear of Obama is that strong. I trust him about {} this much. If he wins another four years, we may not recognize America after he is finished.
For instance, what happens if he does win a second term and by some freak of nature, the Small Arms Treaty being pushed by the United Nations is ratified by the Senate? There is no question of his signing it. He will do so as quickly as possible and the 2nd Amendment will be circumvented. It's a frightening thought.
Larry, I am voting for Romney for the same reason. He may be a weak "conservative," but he is much better than another four years of this socialist.
Some friends and I are looking into a buying an island of our own. If we're going to have to live like Third Worlders, we may as well live as FREE Third Worlders in a place of our choosing. Screw the amenities that I love! I choose freedom!
This morning, after a night of insomnia, Mr. AOW said to me, "Those [TV] ads that Obama is running right now are very effective. They make HIM sound good and Romney sound BAD. And I KNOW better." Mr. AOW, of course, reads the web instead of relying on the mainstream media.
We are facing a huge problem in that the medium of television has such a gigantic influence on the majority of American voters.
The election of Reagan in 1980 was a great reversal of what had been going on. However, Reagan had charisma; and we must recognize that Romney does not -- although Romney IS warmer in person as Mr. AOW and I found out when we went to a Romney rally here in Northern Virginia. But how many voters are actually getting out to meet candidates in person now?
AOW, buying an island is an option! I too am concerned with Obama's effective propaganda and Romney's tepid response. Is he going to sit on his tush and take the slurs, allowing Obama to win by default? What the heck is the matter with Romney anyway?
"Some friends and I are looking into a buying an island of our own. If
we're going to have to live like Third Worlders, we may as well live as FREE Third Worlders in a place of our choosing. Screw the amenities that I love! I choose freedom!"
This I'd pay to see. Do you take PAYPAL?
On one's "Atlas Shrugged" FREEDOM island does one think the electric generators will be solar powered?
Will one have FREEDOM out-houses over self-dug holes or does one just cop-a- squat and sh!t wherever one wants?
Is medical treatment a pay as one goes using barter?
Will followers of Islam be allowed to live in peace on FREEDOM island?
Ema Nymton
I'm pretty sure AOW was joking about the island, Ema.
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