Vox Popoli is beginning to be one of my favorite blogs. They boldly discuss what many would consider unthinkable. Lately they are appealing to Vice President Pence to throw out electoral college votes from states where significant fraud has occurred. Apparently, Pence, as President of the Senate, can do that under the Constitution. (Or can he?) We will see come January 6.
I hope Pence can and will do exactly that. It's time for bold action. The Democrats do not move forward through persuasion, reason or law -- they operate from brute force, using such tactics as slander, lawfare and fraud. The time for trying to persuade them is over and done with. Brute force must be answered with brute force, bare knuckles with bare knuckles.
Pence must throw out the electoral college votes from fraud states, namely, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and any others I have failed to mention. Throwing them out would award the presidency to its true owner, Donald Trump.