Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Nature of Man and Government

Following the demise of the United States of America, I find myself pondering the nature of man and his government.  Here is the universal truth as I see it.

1.  Man (and I include women in that broad category) will always seek to govern, conquer, or control others.  The nature of man is as a conqueror.  What's his is his and what's yours is his, and he will always find a way to justify the tyranny and treachery to make it so.

2.  The U.S. Government is a huge money-laundering scam, designed to take from you and put your wealth in the pockets of those who govern.  Every grant of foreign and domestic aid expects a kick-back to the grantors, either as direct payments, "donations" or through intermediaries, such as by hiring your family members at exorbitant salaries in pretend jobs.  When certain human parasites moan about "the loss of our Democracy" they are really mourning the loss of their money-making scams.

3. Many claims of honor, ethics, virtue, duty, religion and patriotism are mere shills for greed, corruption and plunder.  We have many concise mottos that try to summarize who and what we are as a society:  E Pluribus Unum.  In God We Trust.  Amor Vincit Omnia.  Carpe Diem. Semper Fidelis. Deo Vindice. What would be a motto more descriptive of man's relation to man?  That's easy:

Gimme your money and do as I say.  

Or more succinctly, "Pay and Obey."  

In Latin that would be Solvere et Obedire