Merry Christmas, December 25, 2020!
What did you get for Christmas? I got a Wacom tablet to use in making Photoshops and Illustrator projects. It is a computer mouse in pencil and tablet form. You can draw with it. It will take some practice before I can use it efficiently, but I am up to the task.
So we no longer have a country, what's next? Civil War? Secession? Massive civil disobedience? All of the above? Shall we be smothered in despair and give up all hope?
For me, the current situation is somewhat liberating. I no longer have to worry about saving our Constitutional Republic -- it is already lost. My worry has decreased substantially. The Republican Party is not actively evil like the Democrats, but is useless, feckless, cowardly and easily led by the enemy. Screw them. We need a new party, one that the majority of conservatives can easily switch their allegiance to. Now is the time to clean up the rubble and look to building something better.
Also, I no longer care about having a wildly successful blog. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm cool, or wants to invite me into their clique, or floods my site with hits. I don't care if anyone likes me. I blog for fun and self-expression. My feeling about blogging is this: a blog should be informative, interesting and fun. FUN should be emphasized, since few of us want to listen to lectures from a scold who imagines he has all the answers.